Press articles about our project activities  9.09.2015 9.09.2015
Südostbayerische Rundschau 07/22/2015
Südostbayerische Rundschau 07/22/2015
Südostbayerische Rundschau 13 June 2015
Südostbayerische Rundschau 13 June 2015
La Tribuna di Treviso 3 June 2015
La Tribuna di Treviso 3 June 2015
La Tribuna 12/05/2014
La Tribuna 12/05/2014
Il Gazzettino 12/02/2014
Il Gazzettino 12/02/2014
Südostbayerische Rundschau 11/21/2014
Südostbayerische Rundschau 11/21/2014
La Nouvelle Republique 11/13/2014
La Nouvelle Republique 11/13/2014
Endimione nuovo September 2014
Endimione nuovo September 2014
Südostbayerische Rundschau 09/27/2014
Südostbayerische Rundschau 09/27/2014
La Nouvelle République  04/11/2014
La Nouvelle République 04/11/2014
Traunsteiner Tagblatt 01/09/2014
Traunsteiner Tagblatt 01/09/2014
Südostbayerische Rundschau 12/20/2013
Südostbayerische Rundschau 12/20/2013
Freilassinger Anzeiger 12/20/2013
Freilassinger Anzeiger 12/20/2013
La Nouvelle République 11/26/13
La Nouvelle République 11/26/13
La Nouvelle République 09/20/13
La Nouvelle République 09/20/13

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.