ISISS G. Verdi Valdobbiadene
ISISS G. Verdi Valdobbiadene

Italy:  ISISS Guiseppe Verdi (Valdobbiadene)


The Italian school is a comparably small secondary school offering four different kinds of trainings. There is a grammar school for sciences, a grammar school for modern languages, a technical school for tourism and a technical school for mechanics. The school is located in the little town of Valdobbiadene with its 10.000 inhabitants, situated at the pre-Alpine foothills.

The local economy is characterized by wine growing agriculture. Despite this fact the region is heavily industrialized and therefore many foreign workers are living there. The variety of culture in the region is also mirrored by our school as there are numerous students with migration backgrounds. Due to that reason, we find it very important to support intercultural competence that can  be achieved by international projects.

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.