"1914-2014 Common heritage-joint remembrance between generations"        "1914-2014 Gemeinsames Erbe-gemeinsames Erinnern zwischen Generationen"

Die Reise nach Valdobbiadene und zum Monte Grappa im Juni 2014 (trip to Valdobbiadene and on the Monte Grappa, June 2014))

Die Reise nach Verdun und Meaux im November 2014 (trip to Verdun and Meaux, November 2014)

Postkarte: Privatbesitz
Postkarte: Privatbesitz

We, students from the Rottmayr-Gymnasium Laufen, have prepared an exhibition about the first world war together with students from France and Italy. In the Laufener archive we found many newspaper articles from then but we also got a lot of information from families, who still have letters and pictures of soldiers, pictures, etc. The archivist of Laufen lent us some very special artefacts: an old bayonet and also a German spiked helmet, which soldiers wore while fighting. We are already looking forward to meet our italian and french friends again, to compare our results and to continue our good collaboration.

"Erster Weltkrieg-Erinnerungsstücke aus Laufen" (in German)

 -The exhibition about the First World War -


The region of Poitou-Charentes in France during the First World War

Documents of the Lycée Pilote Innovant International (in French)

1914-Mission du centenaire-1918

Les élèves du LP2I à la recherche de leurs ancêtres-Les habitants de la région Poitou-Charentes dans la guerre (blog and pictures in French)


The First World War in the Alps at the Austro-Italian Frontline

Documents of ISISS Guiseppe Verdi in Valdobbiadene

The war at the Piave river (in the region of Valdobbiadene)

Monte Grappa


This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.